Delivery Policy

1.1 Our services include carrying out promotional campaigns by helping the client to increase the followers, views and likes of the social media account of the client.

1.2 The client agrees that Contentcart owns no liability for the content, activity and purpose of the client's social media account.

1.3 It is sole responsibility of the client to ensure the observation of the terms and conditions of any contract with third party.

1.4 Contentcart does not require access to the client's social media account. It is responsibility of the client to ensure his/her/its social media account is safe from the unauthorized access.

1.5 The client agrees not to violate any provision of the contract the client has had with any third party. It is the responsibility of the client to ensure that the Terms of Services are not contrary to the contract with third party. The client represents and warrants that Contentcart is and shall not be party to such violation.

1.6 The client understands that Contentcart is not affiliated, in any manner, to any social media network including without limitation Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

1.7 The client agrees not to use the Services for any purpose not compliant with the laws for the time being in force in the United States and with the public policy.

1.8 Contentcart may modify or terminate the Services at any time without serving notice; provided that the existing user either shall be refunded or served.

1.9 Contentcart reserves the right to amend, change or modify any provision of the Terms of Services, and the amended, changed or modified Terms of Services shall be effective immediately after they are posted on

1.10 Contentcart may refuse services to any client without assigning the reason to that effect.

1.11 Contentcart may refuse the Service to the client account containing unlawful, threatening, offensive, defamatory, libelous or objectionable or otherwise violate the Terms of Services.

1.12 Contentcart provides a 1 year warranty to maintain the desired promotion level. In the event of reduction in the likes and followers, the client is advised to inform immediately to Contentcart which shall immediately make up such reduction.

1.13 Contentcart employs a natural human campaign using no software and bots and hence posing no negative consequences for the client's social media account.

1.14 The Services completion may take time as Contentcart employs real human accounts and adopts a natural course. The smaller packages take 1 to 3 days, and larger packages may take 7 to 14 days.

1.15 Contentcart does not create fake or impersonate any social media profiles.

1.16 We do not incentivize any user to like, view or follow the client's social media profile in a manner that falls within the meaning of violation of the terms and conditions of the social media networks including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter.

1.17 We hereby warrant that we do not make, instigate or encourage any user to violate the terms and conditions of the social media networks including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter.

1.18 Contentcart does not mislead the user in any manner that may violate the terms and conditions of the social media networks including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter.

1.19 Contentcart employs a strategy to provide the Services which is compliant with terms and conditions of the social media networks and all the laws for the time being in force.

1.20 Technically, Contentcart also serves the interests of the social media networks, and employs all the measures to ensure that no provision of the terms and conditions of the social media websites is violated, and no act is detrimental to the interests of the social media websites.